What is a „Flat White“?

Erna explains

More and more specialty cafés – as well as the major coffee shop chains and bakeries – are offering the so-called “flat white”. But what exactly is it and why does it vary so much from outlet to outlet?

The flat white probably originated in New Zealand or Australia and simply describes a “flat white coffee”, i.e. a coffee with milk but without frothy head. It could be regarded as the antithesis of the classic “Italian” cappuccino with its mountain of foam heaped onto an espresso. There is no exact recipe for the flat white. It is more of a concept than a firmly defined beverage. And this is why cafés all offer their own personal interpretation.

The flat white can generally be described as follows:

  • It is an espresso-based hot drink
  • It is stronger than a cappuccino, but milkier than an espresso macchiato
  • It can be based on a single or double shot of espresso
  • The frothed milk is not too hot and not too voluminous, so that the beverage is covered with a thin layer of micro-foam and can be decorated with latte art.
  • The creamy micro-foam combines better with the espresso than a “foam mountain” to create a well-balanced milk-and-espresso beverage.

Recommended recipe:

  • 150 ml container (glass or cup)
  • Base drink: espresso (one shot or two)
  • Pour micro-foam (lightly frothed, 50-60 °C) over the espresso, poss. decorate with latte art

We recommend the cold version for summer: Iced Flat White

  • Place ice cubes in a small glass (150 ml)
  • Cover with cold milk (e.g. fresh whole milk or a plant-based alternative)
  • Carefully add warm espresso (one shot or two) so that it floats on the surface

Erna Tosberg studied classical archeology, ancient history, and philosophy in Münster and Venice until 2011. During this time, she already gained a lot of coffee experience working at the roestbar in Münster. In 2012, she was made manager of roestbar’s coffee school. In 2013, she came first in the German Barista Championship in Berlin; in 2014, she finished 12th at the World Barista Championship in Rimini; in 2015, she won the German Barista Championship in Munich; in 2016, she came 10th at the World Barista Championship in Dublin. Since then, she has regularly served on the juries of national and international championships.