Coffee beverages for all occasions

Piston coffee makers are the only way to prepare a café créme in the correct way. This long coffee beverage is prepared under pressure, but is not an extended espresso, and is also not made from espresso beans but from a Swiss roast (a blend of coffee beans with different roast grades). Born of historical necessity – due to a lack of coffee supplies – this roasting process has unfortunately been largely forgotten in Switzerland. This is a shame, as it produces an unmistakable and unique taste profile for the coffee.

It also serves as the basis for perfect milk coffee, which is a beverage enjoyed by all coffee cultures. Only in Austria does the composition deviate from an equal ratio of milk and coffee in favor of a somewhat larger coffee volume (ratio 5: 3 [coffee : milk]).

As piston coffee machines now also prepare espresso and the coffee specialties made from it, they provide the ideal basis for the simple preparation of coffee beverages for all occasions. Most of them can be produced quite simply by any gastronomic business, without having to purchase further technology or products – assuming your staff have the necessary knowledge.

Affogato is one of those coffee beverages that are offered far too rarely in the food service sector, despite its huge popularity with customers. Affogato actually means “drowned”: in this case a scoop of ice cream which is “drowned” in an espresso. To produce a good affogato, all you need is a sundae glass, a scoop of ice cream (vanilla, chocolate, hazelnut, or pistachio are just a few of the most suitable flavors) and an espresso, which is poured over the scoop of ice cream into the glass.

Another cold coffee beverage which is equally spectacular and easy to prepare is espresso tonic. Several ice cubes are placed in a classic long drink glass, which is then filled almost to the top with tonic – leaving just enough space for an espresso, without the glass overflowing. This creates a clearly stratified beverage, with a clear lower layer and an upper espresso layer. After stirring, a very creamy foam forms on the surface of the beverage.

You can find numerous other coffee beverages in the recipe collection on the Melitta Professional Coffee Solutions website or at one of our Coffeedrinks Workshops, where the preparation and development of coffee beverages is systematically taught.